Dear business partners,

like most companies, we are also endeavouring to adapt our production to the current COVID19 crisis in order to ensure the best possible protection for the health of our country and our employees.
Our production is currently running in slightly restricted normal operation and our office is always available for you during the usual business hours. Of course, we are still looking forward to your orders and, despite these circumstances, we are making every effort to process them in the best possible way.

As we are partly dependent on suppliers who are currently not able to produce without restrictions, delivery delays may occur. Especially our suppliers in Northern Italy, where, as you probably already know, the situation is particularly serious, cannot - or only to a very limited extent - maintain their regular operations, which makes delivery dates generally uncertain.
For some orders it will be necessary to find alternative solutions, for example if the original material is not in stock.

However, we are convinced that with our creativity and the flexibility that in-house production brings, we will find satisfactory solutions to the problems at hand, and we ask you to continue to place your trust in us and to cooperate with us on a continuing basis.

We look forward to overcoming the crisis together with confidence!

Stay healthy,
the Müller-Knöpfen Team